This dialog appears when you select Set No of Batches or Time Horizon in a batch process or Set Time Horizon in a continuous process containing batch procedures, from the context menu of the multi-batch time charts (equipment occupancy chart, any resource consumption chart). The options in the dialog will be shown or hidden depending on the following cases:
● Set Number of Main Recipe Batches: This option is shown only for batch processes.
● Set Time Horizon: This option is available for all batch process files and for those continuous processes that contain batch procedures.
● Set Horizon Equal to No. repetitions of a Unit Procedure: This options is available when a batch process file has procedures that cycle independently of the main recipe or if a continuous process contains batch procedures. The drop down list displays all the unit procedures that either cycle independently from the main batch or all the batch procedures in a continuous process.
These options can be used in the following way:
Set Number of Main Recipe Batches: Is used to set the number of batches that will be displayed in the time charts, for more information see also Number of Batches Dialog (All Multi-Batch Gantt Charts).
Set Time Horizon: Here the user can specify the time horizon that he or she is interested in viewing in the chart. The number of batches will be dictated by how many can fit in that time horizon.
Set Horizon Equal to No. repetitions of a Unit Procedure: With this option you can determine the number of batches and/or the time horizon by setting how many repetitions of a unit procedure you wish to be displayed on the chart.
For more details on procedure cycling see Procedure-Level Scheduling Information.