Procedure Activity Overview: Contents Selection Dialog

This dialog appears when you right click on the Procedure Activity Overview Dialog and select Edit Contents from the context menu that appears. It allows you to tailor the contents of the ‘Procedure Activity Overview’ table. The table lists all operations as rows and it appears to have four sections (as column groups, from left to right):

2.   Operation Listing: It reports the operation and any stream(s) that are being used by the operation to bring in or remove material. Please note that if an operation is using more than one streams, then multiple lines are included.

4.   In/Out Streams: It reports the conditions on the stream(s) used by this operation. The stream properties currently reported are: Amount (Mass), Temperature, Pressure, Liquid/Solid Mass, Liquid/Solid Volume, Liquid/Solid Density. Dry solid mass, Aqueous mass and Dry Solid (%) can also be displayed if enabled (see Enable Dry Mass Options). Plus the concentration of the following environmental properties of the stream: COD, BOD5, TSS, TDS, TKN.

      In/Out Stream Rates: It reports the amount (mass), Liquid/Solid Mass, Liquid/Solid Volume, Dry Mass and Aqueous Mass on a per operation process time basis (actual rate) and on a per procedure cycle time basis (average rate).

      Equipment Contents: This section reports the conditions inside the equipment as the result of the action enforced they operation. The properties reported are: Amount (Mass), Temperature, Pressure, Liquid/Solid Mass, Liquid/Solid Volume, Liquid/Solid Density and equipment Fill Percentage. Dry solid mass, Aqueous mass and Dry Solid (%) can also be displayed if enabled (see Enable Dry Mass Options). Plus the concentration of the following environmental properties of the stream: COD, BOD5, TSS, TDS, TKN.

      Timing: The last section reports information related to the timing of the operations (Duration, start time and finish time with respect to the beginning of the batch).

The first and last sections are always included in the table. From this option dialog, users may optionally include or exclude section #2 and/or section #3. Also, users may specify which of the properties to be displayed for each section:

      Amount (Mass)



      Liquid/Solid Mass

      Liquid/Solid Volume

Liquid/Solid Density

Fill Percentage (Equipment Contents)

Dry Solid Mass

Aqueous Mass

Dry Solid (%)