Target Concentration Calculator Dialog

This dialog will appear if you click on the button:


which can be found on the Input Stream Dialog: Composition, etc. Tab or on the Stock Mixture Properties Dialog: Composition Tab. In the current version of SuperPro Designer this button is enabled and therefore one can visit the Target Concentration Calculator dialog when the following cases are true:

      there are no Stock Mixtures in the Input Stream or Stock Mixture composition table

      there are more than one Pure Components in the Input Stream or Stock Mixture composition table, and

      there are no gaseous components in the Input Stream or Stock Mixture composition table

The main properties displayed on this dialog are:

      Reference Temperature
The reference temperature can not be changed if the dialog is opened from an input stream and the value displayed is the stream’s temperature. If the dialog is opened from a stock mixture the user may set the reference temperature.

The status text displays a hint to the user for how many specification targets (fractions or concentrations) he should set, in order to produce a well specified system.

      Allow fraction and concentration for a single component to be ‘Set-by-User’
It is possible in certain cases for the user to set both fraction and concentration of the same component. This is permitted only if there are more than two pure components in the calculator and if the density is not set by the user but is calculated.

Rules that constitute a well specified target concentration problem

When this dialog comes up the Calculate button displayed in the top left corner and the OK button are disabled. It will only become active when the user has specified a sufficient set of targets (fractions or concentrations) for the program to be able to find a solution. Also the ‘Status’ text informs the user of how many specification targets in total must be set before the calculations may commence. A well specified problem may be setup in the following manner:

      Fraction and Concentration for a single component are not allowed to be set by user:
In this case you may check each ‘Set by User’ checkbox for each fraction or concentration cell, that you would like to set a specific target value to. As you are setting the concentration or the fraction target for a component you will notice that its fraction or concentration cell respectively, is disabled and greyed out. At the same time the ‘Status’ text changes indicating how many more targets need to be set. Once you have set the necessary specification targets the ‘Status’ text will state “Specification targets complete; ready to calculate”, and the program will automatically disable and grey out the rest of the cells in the table and enable the Calculate button.
At this stage you may click on Calculate to start the calculations and the program will fill in the grayed cells with the new fractions /concentrations. If everything went well with the calculations the OK button will be enabled and the user may exit the dialog.

      Fraction and Concentration for a single component are allowed to be set by user:
Having first enabled this option you may set the fraction and concentration of the same component. This can only be done for one of the components appearing in the composition table. Once you have set both fraction and concentration for a single component, from then on you may only set either the fraction or concentration for the same component as in the previous case. Also the ‘Status’ text and the Calculate button behave in the same way as before. The Calculate button will be enabled when the specification targets are satisfied and the user may click on it to start the calculations.


If the composition targets can not be reached, meaning the calculations can not find a reasonable solution, the following message will appear prompting the user to reconsider his or her target values.
