Convert Old-Version SuperPro (User) DB Dialog

This dialog appears by selecting Databanks } Upgrade a Past Version SuperPro (User) DB... from the main menu of the application.

From this dialog you may convert an older version of the ‘User’ database file to the current version.


First select an older version user database as the Source and then select a Destination file by clicking on the respective browse buttons BrowserBtn00141.jpg. By default the destination file is given a different name (_v11), so the original file will not be overwritten and rendered unusable by an earlier version of SuperPro Designer. Finally by clicking on the Convert button the source file is copied to the destination file and then converted to the currently used database version.

By clicking on the ChangeDBPasswrdBtn00142.jpg button you may also change the password of the user DB being converted (see Update Database Password Dialog).

For more details on converting databases, see Accessing Older SuperPro (User) Databases.