CIP Template Databank Dialog

This dialog appears by selecting Databanks } CIP Templates... from the main menu of the application

This dialog presents a listing of all CIP templates already defined in the “User” database. The template’s name and a brief description is shown for each such entry. After selecting a row in this table, you can:

1.   Click on the “Delete” button (Chapter1500384.jpg) to delete that CIP template definition from the database. This action is NOT reversible, so proceed with caution.

2.   Click on the “View Properties” button (Chapter1500385.jpg) to view and/or edit the properties of the template. If you click on the button, you will be presented with the CIP Template Definition Dialog.

3.   Click on the “Create New” button (Chapter1500386.jpg) start the definition of a new CIP template. Clicking on this dialog will present the New CIP Template Dialog.

4.   Click on the “Save All” button (Chapter1500387.jpg) to save all changes (CIP template modifications and/or additions) to the “User” database.