Equipment Report (EQR)

This report includes listings (summary and detailed descriptions) for all main and auxiliary equipment resources involved in the process as well as any consumables that may be used by the equipment. To generate this report, select menu Reports } Equipment (EQR).

The EQR consists of the following sections:

1.   Equipment Summary

2.   Itemized Equipment List

3.   Auxiliary Equipment Summary

4.   Equipment Consumables

5.   Auxiliary Equipment Consumables

Any one of the above sections may be excluded from the report, if so desired. The options related to the contents of the report are edited from Report Options Dialog: Equipment Tab.

EQR: Equipment Summary   

Presents a list of all equipment resources used in the process along with their size (per unit), purchase cost (per unit), and total cost. For each equipment resource, the number of units used simultaneously, in a staggered set or requested as stand-by is also reported.

EQR: Itemized EQUIPMENT List

Contains as many paragraphs as equipment resources in the process. For each equipment, a list of attributes is presented. The first few attributes are common to all equipment types (e.g. size mode, number of units, number of standby units, etc.) while the rest depend on the equipment type.

EQR: Auxiliary Equipment List   

Lists all Auxiliary Equipment used in the process along with their size (per unit), purchase cost (per unit), and total cost. As Auxiliary Equipment may be of great importance (esp. in multi-product facilities) a dedicated report presents more detailed information (incl. sizing, see Auxiliary Equipment Report (AUX)).

EQR: Consumables

A list of any consumables (required or optional) that may be used by equipment in the process. Consumables are assigned to equipment from their Equipment Data Dialog: Consumables Tab.

EQR: Auxiliary Equipment Consumables

A list of any consumables (required or optional) that may be used by auxiliary equipment in the process. Consumables are assigned to equipment from their Equipment Data Dialog: Consumables Tab