Auxiliary Equipment Report (AUX)

This report includes listings (summary and detailed descriptions) for all auxiliary equipment resources involved in the process as well as any consumables that may be used by the equipment. It presents tables with information on the utilization, busy time and start and end times when the equipment are engaged. Detailed sizing information is also presented, including cleaning steps that are considered in sizing for CIP Skids. Other tables report the amount cleaning agents consumed by CIP Operations as well as through non-CIP operations whose input streams are classified as “Cleaning Agent” through the Stream Classification Dialog. Additional tables provide information on the type and amount of heat transfer agents consumed during SIP operations and power consumed through the engagement of vacuum pumps. Finally the report provides detail information on the consumables used by the auxiliary equipment. To generate this report, select menu Reports } Auxiliary Equip. (AUX).

The AUX report consists of the following sections:

1.   Auxiliary Equipment Summary List

2.   Aux. Equipment Sizing

3.   Aux. Equipment Occupancy

4.   Cleaning Material Consumption

5.   Heat Transfer Agent Consumption

6.   Vacuum Power Consumption

7.   Consumables

You can customize the appearance of this report from Report Options Dialog: Auxiliary Equip Tab.


To associate a CIP skid with a given operation and include that operation in the sizing calculation provided by this report, the “Consider in Skid Sizing?” checkbox must be checked on and the “Ignore” checkbox must be off within the CIP: Oper. Conds Tab for that operation.