Continuous Stoichiometric Reaction Procedure in an Electrowinning Cell


A Continuous Stoichiometric Reaction Procedure in an Electrowinning Cell can be created by selecting the following menu option:
Unit Procedures } Continuous Reaction } Stoichiometric } in an Electrowinning Cell



Operating Mode

Continuous or Semi-Continuous

Host Equipment

Electrowinning Cell

Emissions Port (Vent)


Special Input/Output Ports




This procedure is used to represent an electrowinning reaction that takes place in an Electrowinning Cell and is described by stoichiometry. Electrowinning, also known as electrolysis, is a typical operation of hydrometallurgical engineering that is used to reduce (win) a metal ion (from the solution of the ore that contains the metal) onto a cathode at the expense of externally-provided electric current. The reduction of an electroactive species onto the cathode is accompanied by the oxidation of one or more species at the anode. The Electrowinning operation is performed in electrolytic cells, such as the Electrowinning Cell.

Special Inputs / Outputs

      Feed: the designated input port for the feed stream (electrolyte solution).

      Additives: the designated input port for the additives (optional).

      Vent: the designated output port for the vent.

      Cathode Product: the designated output port for the cathode product (optional).

      Anode Product: the designated output port for the anode product (optional).

Spent Electrolyte: the designated output port for the spent electrolyte.


The following operation types are currently supported in the context of this unit procedure:

React (Stoichiometric), see Continuous Stoichiometric Reaction in an Electrowinning Cell

CIP, see Clean-In-Place (CIP)

Hold, see Holding

SIP, see Steam-In-Place (SIP)

Note that operations CIP, Hold, and SIP are only available in semi-continuous operating mode.