Continuous Stoichiometric Reaction Procedure in a Rotary Kiln


A Continuous Stoichiometric Reaction Procedure in a Rotary Kiln can be created by selecting the following menu option:
Unit Procedures } Continuous Reaction } Stoichiometric } in a Rotary Kiln



Operating Mode

Continuous or Semi-Continuous

Host Equip­ment

Rotary Kiln

Emissions Port (Vent)


Special Input/Output Ports




This procedure is used to represent the reaction and separation process phenomena that occur inside a rotary kiln. These include the combustion reactions that take place in the kiln’s burner, the pyroprocessing reactions that take place in the kiln, and the entrainment of solids in the gas phase, which also takes place in the kiln. The combustion and pyroprocessing reactions are described by stoichiometry. The combustion of fuel and air is described using built-in stoichiometric reactions. The pyroprocessing reactions must be set by the user.

This procedure can be used to simulate a rotary cement kiln where a mixture of ground solids consisting primarily of limestone and clay is converted into cement clinker by heating the material to a very high temperature. The material is heated by the hot gas which is generated in by burning fuel and air in the burner that exists at the other end of the kiln.

Special Inputs / Outputs

      Feed: the designated input port for the feed stream (typically a mixture of mineral solids).

      Fuel: the designated input port for the fuel stream (e.g., coal, natural gas, etc.).

      Air: the designated input port for the air stream.

      Product: the designated output port for the sintered product stream.

Exhaust Gas: the designated output port for the exhaust gas stream.


The following operation types are currently supported in the context of this unit procedure:

React (Stoichiometric), see Continuous Stoichiometric Reaction in a Rotary Kiln

CIP, see Clean-In-Place (CIP)

Hold, see Holding

SIP, see Steam-In-Place (SIP)

Note that operations CIP, Hold, and SIP are only available in semi-continuous operating mode.