3-Way Flow Distribution Procedure


A 3-Way Flow Distribution Procedure can be created by selecting the following menu option:
Unit Procedures } Splitting } Bulk Flow } 3-Way Flow Distribution



Operating Mode

Continuous or Semi-Continuous

Host Equipment

Flow Distributor

Emissions Port (Vent)


Special Input/Output Ports





This procedure can represent any scheme that splits flow up to three bulk flow streams. The stream flowrate is specified either by the user, or the downstream process. It can be used to represent a distribution panel.

Special Inputs / Outputs



The following operation types are currently supported in the context of this unit procedure:

      Split, see 3-Way Flow Distribution

      CIP, see Clean-In-Place (CIP)

      Hold, see Holding

SIP, see Steam-In-Place (SIP)

Note that operations CIP, Hold, and SIP are only available in semi-continuous operating mode.

SEe Also

The following procedures offer a similar functionality:

5-Way Flow Distribution Procedure

10-Way Flow Distribution Procedure