



Size / Design Variable

Rated Throughput

Costing Variable
(Built-in Model)


Costing Variable
(User-Defined Model)

Rated Throughput (in kg/h)

Emissions Port



Bulk Washing Procedure

A Washer is used to represent an equipment resource that hosts a bulk washing procedure with a main objective to wash impurities from bulk material. One such type of washer consists of a belt conveyor feeder with a spraying system on top. As the belt conveyor transports a solids feed, an aqueous detergent is sprayed to wash away impurities in the feed stream.

Washer: Equipment Tab

The Equipment Tab for this unit is similar to that of a Throughput: Equipment Tab.

Variable Definitions, Ranges and Default Values

The following table shows the meaning of the variables appearing in this tab, as well as their default values and their generally acceptable range. Note that due to the manner by which the variables are used by the sizing and costing equations, the range of acceptable values may be further reduced.


Default Value



Rated Throughput (kg/h)
The feed throughput of a single unit. Used as the sizing variable of this equipment resource.



Maximum Throughput (kg/h)
The desired upper limit of the sizing variable. Used only in design mode to determine if multiple units are required.



Symbol Key: User-specified value (always input); Calculated value (always output); Sometimes input, sometimes output

Sizing: Design Mode

In design mode, the software will size the unit based on the demand on rated throughput by the bulk washing operation executed in the unit. If the rated throughput exceeds the specification for the maximum throughput then the software will assume multiple number of identical units (each with rated throughput equally distributed) that are operated in parallel.

Sizing: Rating Mode

In rating mode, the rated throughput of the unit and the number of units are provided by the user.