Transport by Pneumatic Conveyor (Discrete)

General Description

This unit operation simulates transport of discrete objects using a pneumatic conveyor.

Unit Procedure Availability

      Discrete Transport by Pneumatic Conveyor Procedure

Transport by Pneumatic Conveyor (Discrete): Modeling Calculations

Equipment Sizing

If Design Mode, the pipe cross sectional area (and consequently the pipe diameter) is calculated by dividing the operating throughput (MT/h) by the specific throughput (MT/h-m2). If the calculated pipe diameter exceeds the maximum, the program assumes multiple, identical units operating in parallel with a total cross sectional area equal to the calculated. In Rating Mode, the user specifies the number of units and their pipe diameter and the program calculates the specific throughput. The user always specifies the pipe length and the program always calculates the operating throughput.

Electricity Cost

To account for electricity consumption, the user can either specify the power demand (in kW) or the specific power requirement (in kW/(MT-h)-m). In the second case, the specific power requirement times the operating throughput times the pipe length yields the power consumption.

Transport by Pneumatic Conveyor (Discrete): Interface

The interface of this operation has the following tabs:

      Oper. Cond’s, see Transport by Pneumatic Conveyor (Discrete): Oper. Conds Tab

      Power, see Transport by Pneumatic Conveyor: Power Tab

      Labor, etc, see Operations Dialog: Labor etc. Tab

      Description, see Operations Dialog: Description Tab

      Batch Sheet, see Operations Dialog: Batch Sheet Tab

      Scheduling, see Operations Dialog: Scheduling Tab