Multi-Effect Evaporation: Power Tab (MVR)


This tab appears on the interface dialog of the Continuous Multi-Effect Evaporation operation if the Vapor Recompression Option is set to “Mechanical Vapor Recompression” in the Oper. Conds Tab (see Multi-Effect Evaporation: Oper. Conds Tab).

Variable Definitions, Ranges and Default Values

The following table shows a brief description of the variables appearing in this tab; for a detailed description of these variables, see Multi-Effect Evaporation: Description of Terms The table also displays their default values and their generally acceptable range. Note that due to how the variables are used in the modeling equations, the range of acceptable values may be further reduced; for more details, see Multi-Effect Evaporation: Modeling Assumptions & Constraints.


Default Value



Other Efficiency Losses (%)
Other efficiency losses in the mechanical compressor than those accounted for by the specified value of the Isentropic Efficiency in the Heating tab (e.g., mechanical).



Compressor Power (kW)
The power consumption in the mechanical compressor.



Additional Power (kW)
The additional power consumption (for pumps, etc.) in the multi-effect evaporation operation.



Additional Power Per Unit (kW)
The additional power divided by the number of multi-effect evaporator units.



Additional Specific Power (Per Capacity Unit) (kW/kg-h)
The additional power divided by the evaporation capacity.



Power Type
Indicates the power type that is used by the operation. Click on the list box to bring up a list of available power types in order to select one.

Std Power

Any Power Type

Total Power (kW)
The sum of compressor power and additional power.



Total Power Per Unit (kW)
The total power divided by the number of multi-effect evaporator units.



Symbol Key: User-specified value (always input); Calculated value (always output); Sometimes input, sometimes output

Specification Choices / Comments

The following list describes the available specification choices in this tab; for more details on how these are implemented, see Multi-Effect Evaporation: Modeling Calculations.

If the Additional Power option is set to ‘Set Power’...

You can specify the additional power that is consumed by implicit equipment (e.g. pumps, etc.) for this operation. SuperPro Designer’s simulation engine will calculate the respective values for the additional power per unit and the additional specific power.

If the Additional Power option is set to ‘Set Power Per Unit’...

You can specify the additional power per unit for this operation. SuperPro Designer’s simulation engine will calculate the respective values for the additional power and the additional specific power.

If the Additional Power option is set to ‘Set Specific Power (Per Capacity Unit)’...

You can specify the additional specific power for this operation. SuperPro Designer’s simulation engine will calculate the respective values for the additional power and the additional power per unit.