Centrifugation in a Hydrocyclone: Mat. Balance Tab (Based On Throughput)


This tab appears on the interface dialog of the Hydrocycloning operation (see Centrifugation in a Hydrocyclone) when the option to size the equipment based on throughput is selected through the Equipment tab of the Hydrocyclone that hosts this operation (see Hydrocyclone: Equipment Tab).

Variable Definitions, Ranges and Default Values

The following table shows a brief description of the variables appearing in this tab. The table also displays their default values and their generally acceptable range:


Default Value



Removed ?
Check this box to indicate that the corresponding pure component is set to be removed. If a pure component is set to be removed, then the corresponding liquid/solid phase amount in the feed stream is assumed to consist of high density liquid/solid particles, which will end up mainly in the underflow.



Removal %
The mass percentage of the liquid/solid amount of the corresponding pure component in the feed stream that ends up in the underflow.


0 – 100

Overall Removal Efficiency (%)
The overall separation (or recovery) efficiency of the cyclone.



Particle Concentration in Feed (% v/v)
The percentage of the liquid/solid volume flow rate of those pure components of the feed stream that are set to be removed to the total liquid/solid volume flow rate of the feed stream.


0 – 100

 Particle Concentration in Underflow (% v/v)
The percentage of the liquid/solid volume flow rate of those pure components of the underflow that are set to be removed to the total liquid/solid volume flow rate of the underflow.


0 – 100

 Particle Mass % in Underflow
The percentage of the liquid/solid mass flow rate of those pure components of the underflow that are set to be removed to the total liquid/solid mass flow rate of the underflow.


0 – 100

Particle Concentration in Overflow (% v/v)
The percentage of the liquid/solid volume flow rate of those pure components of the overflow that are set to be removed to the total liquid/solid volume flow rate of the overflow.


0 – 100

Underflow/Throughput Flow Ratio (v/v)
The ratio of the liquid/solid volume flow rate of the underflow to the liquid/solid volume flow rate of the feed stream.



Symbol Key: User-specified value (always input); Calculated value (always output); Sometimes input, sometimes output

Specification Choices / Comments

The following list describes the available specification choices in this tab; for more details on how these are implemented, see Centrifugation in a Hydrocyclone: Modeling Calculations.

Particle Removal Data...

Specify which components consist of high density liquid/solid particles (which are expected to exit mainly through the underflow) by checking the ‘Removed ?’ option next to each component. For each component for which the “Removed ?” option is checked, you also need to specify the corresponding Removal %.

Liquid Removal Options...

Two options are available for specifying the amount of liquid (i.e., liquid/solid content of pure components that are not set to be removed) that is recovered in the underflow. You can either specify the Particle Concentration In Underflow (expressed as volume %) or the Particle Mass % In Underflow.