2-Way Component Splitting

Component Splitting Operations: General Description

This operation model splits the component flowrates of a bulk stream into two or more (up to 9) streams based on user-defined component split fractions. More specifically the 2-Way component splitting operation can split the component based on the specified amount (mass or mol units).

Unit Procedure Availability

      2-Way Component Splitting Procedure

Component Splitting Operations: Modeling Calculations

Material Balances

You may choose to provide splitting specification data either for top outlet stream or for the bottom outlet stream.

If the option to consider solids is not checked (default), then for every component you must specify either the component’s split percentage to the selected outlet stream or the component’s flow in the selected outlet stream. Based on the specified component data, the program will do the component mass balances to determine the component flows of both outlet streams.

If the option to consider solids is checked, then the components table is used to specify component splitting data only for particulate solid components (i.e., undissolved solids, suspended or precipitated). Only pure components that are set as solid through the Pure Component Properties dialog can be set as particulate solids in the components table. Based on the specified component splitting data, the program can solve the mass balances for the particulate solid components in order to calculate the flows of those components in the two outlet streams. In addition to setting one or more solid components as particulate solids and specifying the splits for those components, you must also specify either the total (particulate and dissolved) or particulate solids percentage of the selected outlet stream. Based on this information, the program will calculate the total split percentage of all other components besides particulate solids (i.e., dissolved solids, liquids and gases), assume that the split percentage of each of those components is the same as the total split percentage of those components, and solve the component mass balances for those components to calculate the flows of those components in the two outlet streams.

Energy Balances

The model will calculate the required duty (heating or cooling) as the enthalpy difference between the input stream and the sum of output streams. The temperature of the output streams is calculated based one of the following options:

No temperature change...

The temperature of all the output streams is the same as the temperature of the input stream.


The temperature of all the output streams is specified by the user.


The temperature of each output streams is specified individually. The user can either specify directly an outlet temperature or the temperature difference between a specific output stream and the input stream.

Notice that in the case that Consider Ambient Effects option is selected an additional term will be included in the energy balance to account for the enthalpy loss or gain due to the temperature difference with the ambient. In practice, this will result in a correction of the calculated duty and heat transfer agent rate in order to maintain the specified temperature for each output stream.

Equipment Sizing

If the equipment size option is in Design Mode and the operating throughput exceeds the maximum throughput, then, the program assumes multiple, identical units operating in parallel with an operating throughput of less than the maximum. If the equipment size option is in Rating Mode and the operating throughput exceeds the rated throughput of the step (which is equal to the rated throughput of each unit times the number of units), a warning message is displayed advising the user to increase the number of units or reduce the operating throughput.

2-Way Component Splitting: Interface

The interface of this operation has the following tabs:

      Oper. Cond’s, see 2-Way Component Splitting: Oper. Conds Tab

      Utilities, see Throughput Operations: Utilities Tab

      Labor, etc, see Operations Dialog: Labor etc. Tab

      Description, see Operations Dialog: Description Tab

      Batch Sheet, see Operations Dialog: Batch Sheet Tab

      Scheduling, see Operations Dialog: Scheduling Tab