Physical Units Options: Common Properties Tab


This tab is displayed when you select to show the Physical Units and tolerance Options Dialog and contains common physical units properties used in most areas of the applications.

Specification Choices / Comments

Besides setting your own choice to each and every one of the quantities displayed, you may click on one of the three buttons available and a set of choices will be applied to all quantities.

SI Only:

Will chose the fundamental set of SI units for each quantity. For example, all mass (or mass flows) will be based on ‘kg’, all heat (or heat rates) will be using ‘J’, etc.

British Only:

Will chose the fundamental set of British units for each quantity. For example, all mass (or mass flows) will be based on ‘lb’, all heat (or heat rates) will be using ‘Btu’, etc.

Preset Defaults:

Will chose a set of units all from the SI system but not necessarily the fundamental set for each quantity. Those units were preselected to provide quantity values to fall within reasonable ranges but of course, this set may not be applicable to all simulations and may need to be tweaked. For instance, if you click on this option, temperatures are in ‘°C’ (instead of ‘K’), heat rates are in ‘cal’ (or ‘kcal’) instead of ‘J’ etc.