This dialog is presented when you click on the Cycle Time Calculator button on the Recipe Scheduling Information Dialog. It is used to calculate the feasible cycle time bounds when users wish to use shared equipment across batches in the process.
The user may select to include or exclude in the cycle time bound calculations
2. the main equipment that are shared across batches and/or
the auxiliary equipment such as CIP Skids and SIP Panels.
Cycle Time units can also be specified and applied only to this interface.
To calculate all the feasible cycle time bounds click on the Calculate button. The table on the dialog will be populated with a list of all the available time intervals (From -To) which can be used to define the cycle time in your process. The bottleneck equipment is also shown on the dialog.
For more information on how the cycle time bounds are calculated please see Recipe Cycle Time (RCT) Bounds Calculation.