User-Defined Cost Model Select Dialog

This dialog appears when you click on the “Use cost model from database” radio button from the User-Defined Cost Model (UDCM) Dialog. From this dialog you may select to import a user-defined cost model from the UDCM databank into the current equipment. You may either type the name of the UDCM in the edit box until the OK button is enabled meaning you can import it, or just double click on a UDCM name from the list.


This dialog appears when you click on the Deposit/Update User Cost Model in DB button UpdToDBBtn00051.jpg from the User-Defined Cost Model (UDCM) Dialog. It is used to deposit a new user cost model into the user database or to update an existing model in the user database.

Simply type a name in the edit box and the OK button will be enabled and changed to ‘OK, Deposit’ if the cost model is new and doesn’t exist in the ‘User’ database, else if the cost model already exists in the ‘SuperPro (User)’ database it will change to ‘OK, Update’ to update the model. You may also select a UDCM name you want to update from the list. In any case if the OK button is not enabled it means the cost model cannot be updated because it belongs to the ‘Designer’ database which is not editable by the user.

See also User-Defined Equipment Cost Model Databank.