This dialog appears when selecting the Physical Units Format menu option from:
1. The equipment contents table
2. The procedure activity table
3. The component properties table
4. The stream summary table
5. The flowsheet (process) command menu
In all 1-3 of the above interfaces, there is a grid that displays several physical quantities (time line, amounts, composition, temperature, pressure, etc.) for various states or streams or operations (depends on the interface 1, 2 or 3 above). SuperPro Designer keeps a distinct visual style for each quantity. The visual style is made up from 5 groups of attributes: Font, Color, Borders, Alignment and (Numerical) Format. That is why this dialog is a two-level, multi-tab dialog. The outer tab, allows you to select the physical quantity type for which the style is being edited (or displayed). The internal tab collection of dialogs, allows you to edit all the visual aspects of the style (Font, Color, Borders, Align and Format or Accuracy) for the selected physical quantity.
There is a default set of styles for all physical quantities that may appear on grids. This set of styles is kept by the process object itself and it can be edited by visiting the Preferences } Default Styles } Physical Units Format from the flowsheet’s command menu. Any changes made there will affect the viewing of all pertinent grids from then onward. |
After invoking this dialog from one of 1-3 interfaces above and making changes to the visual style of any of the displayed quantities and clicking OK the changes will be directly applied to the grid. If you exit the grid’s interfaces by clicking on OK, then the changes will become permanent for that grid and the next time you visit the same dialog, you will see the same visual style applied to the quantities that you chose.