Power Type Selection Dialog

This dialog appears when you select Charts } Power } Single Batch or Charts } Power } Multiple Batches from the main menu of the application.

Before you view the chart you will be presented with a dialog from where you must select a power resource type whose demand you wish to track. You have the option to select to view the demand or output of a specific power type From Power Types Used in the Process drop down list, or All powers as a total used in the process.

Include Sections: From this drop down the user can select to view the resource demand or output of resources for specific sections in the process. The drop-down box displays ‘All Sections’ if all sections are selected, or a comma separated string of the selected section names.

From this dialog you may also edit the styles of the chart beforehand by clicking on the View/Edit Chart Style button (ChartStyleBtn00131.jpg), and bringing up the Power Chart Style Dialog.

Clicking on the OK button will produce the chart.