Initial Equipment Contents (View/Edit) Dialog

This dialog appears when selecting the Equipment Contents } Initial } Edit option from the command menu of a unit procedure. It is allows the user to specify the exact amount and composition of the material to be used to initialize the contents of the host equipment resource before the M&E balances are executed. This option on the menu is only available if the Initial Equipment Contents are set to be supplied by the user (from the Initial Equipment Contents: Initialization Options Dialog).


If there the number of units for an equipment resource is more than one, then the amount of material set in the Initial Contents dialog will be divided equally amongst them. For example, for the dialog displayed above, if the number of units is 4, then each will start with an amount of contents equal to 25 kg and composition as shown in the table above.

For more details on how to use this dialog and all its tabs in order to specify the amount and composition of the material, please consult the Bulk Input Stream Dialog.