Unit Procedure Icon Style

The style of a unit procedure icon is a collection of attributes that determine its visual appearance, its labels and any surrounding indicators. Icons of unit procedures are monochrome. They are drawn using a default color that is part of the default style for a procedure. The labels are drawn using a font and text color that is also part of the default style of a procedure. The default unit procedure style is a property of the document itself. To modify the default style of icons select Preferences } Default Styles } Procedure Icons from the flowsheet’s command menu. Here you can edit the style and therefore the appearance of all current (and future) procedure icons. You can also customize the appearance of a specific icon by visiting the Unit Procedure Icon Style Dialog for the corresponding icon. To view the icon’s style dialog select the Style } Edit option from the icon’s command menu.

The following table shows all the attributes that make up the style of a procedure’s icon:


- Color.

- Show/hide name label, description label, allocation label, info tag.

- Show/hide Indicators for multiple cycles, multiple units, shared equipment resource, staggered equipment resources, independent cycling, comments.

Name Label

- Content (procedure name and/or equipment name).

- Text: font, color, background color.

- Frame: shape, line thickness, line color, fill-in color.

Description Label

- Text font, color, background color.

- Frame shape, line thickness, line color, fill-in color.

Allocation Label

- Text font, color.

- Frame shape, line thickness, line color, fill-in color.

Info Tag

- Content (choose variables to be displayed).

- Text font, color.

- Frame shape, line thickness, line color, fill-in color.

- Location: top of the icon, over the icon, below the icon.

Once you have customized the appearance of a given icon, this icon will be protected from any future changes in the default procedure icon style. If you decide to force the icon to forgo its custom style and follow the default icon attributes, then select the Style } Use Default option from the icon’s command (right-click) menu. If you have customized the appearance of an icon and now you wish to propagate the same changes to one (or more) other icons, use the following procedure:

►    To copy a pre-existing style from one icon to another (or others)...

2.   Select the icon that features the style that you wish to copy.

4.   From the command menu of the selected icon, chose Style } Pickup; alternatively you can click the Pickup Style button (PickupStyleBtn.jpg) on the drawing palette.

Select the other icons that you wish to apply the selected style.

Right-click on any of the selected icons and from the command menu select Style } Apply; alternatively you can click the Apply Style button (ApplyStyleBtn.jpg) on the drawing palette.