Stream Elbow Editing

After a stream has been introduced, you cannot click-and-drag it to move it on the flowsheet on its own. On the other hand, you can move unit procedure icons. After a unit procedure icon (with streams attached to it) has been moved, the application will automatically adjust the location of some of the attached streams’ elbows in order to guarantee that its segments are always strictly horizontal or vertical. If the new location of the stream’s elbows is not satisfactory, you can edit them.

►    To relocate the stream’s elbows...

2.   Make sure you are in select mode (the SelectModeBtn00008.jpg button is pressed on the main toolbar).

4.   Move the mouse over the stream whose elbows you wish to edit and select Edit Elbows from the stream’s command menu. Notice the appearance of small black rectangles (called elbow handles) right over the current location of the stream’s elbows.

6.   Move the mouse over an elbow handle. Notice how the cursor changes shape into a double arrow that shows the directions along which you can move the handle. Some elbows can only move vertically (up/down) and some can only move horizontally (left/right).

Click-and-drag the elbow handle to a new location. Notice how the stream’s segments are redrawn to adjust to the new location of the elbow.

Repeat with any other handle.

End the elbow editing session by clicking somewhere other than on an elbow handle.


The anchor point of an input stream (start point) and the anchor point of an output stream (end point) are also movable by the procedure described above, as if they were elbows.