Discrete Intermediate/Output Stream Dialog: Entity Tab


This tab is part of the Discrete Input Stream Dialog and the Discrete Intermediate/Output Stream Dialog. These dialogs appear if you right-click on a discrete input, intermediate or output stream and select Simulation Data from the context menu or if you double-click on a discrete input, intermediate or output stream on the flowsheet.

Through this tab, you can view the properties of the discrete entity carried by the discrete stream.These are:

1.   The Name of the discrete entity.

2.   The Bulk Conversion Factor (Bulk Amount per Unit) in g/Entity of ml/Entity.

3.   The Purchasing Price in $/Entity.

4.   The Selling Price in $/Entity.

The only property value that is editable is the Selling Price (in $/entity). You should supply a meaningful number if this is an output stream and this entity represents a revenue (either the main product or one of the side products of this process).

The only other choices here are for the displayed value of the entity flow (in fact choices only exist if the plant mode is batch).

For more details on the properties of this dialog, please see Discrete Input Streams.