Auto-Initialization of Input Streams

Typically the state of input streams (bulk or discrete) is initialized by the user through the i/o simulation dialog (the Bulk Input Stream Dialog or the Discrete Input Stream Dialog). From that interface users provide the temperature, pressure, flow and composition of the stream. You may also copy the contents of one stream and paste them to an input stream (see To initialize an input stream based on the composition of another stream...). Sometimes, it may be convenient to have the application perform such an action automatically. Typically this need arises when users are faced with a very long process that may be easier to model (simulate) if broken apart into smaller fragments. Each fragment may represent the production of an intermediate chemical that is later used as a feed in the main process; or the intermediate may itself be used as a feed for another fragment process that produces another intermediate. Either way, when modeling such complex processes whose simulation models span across process files, users will find it convenient to have the application initialize the contents of an input stream based on a source stream that may not even reside in the same process file.

►    To auto-initialize an input stream...

2.   Make sure you are in select mode (the SelectModeBtn00042.jpg button is pressed on the main toolbar).

4.   Select Initialization Options from the input stream’s context menu. This will bring up the Input Stream Initialization Options Dialog.

From the ensuing Input Stream Initialization Options Dialog choose ‘Auto-initialize from Other Stream’. Specify which variables of the input stream you wish to be copied from the source stream (temperature, pressure, composition, flow).

Schedule when you wish to have the application perform the auto-initialization. Typically, it is expected that the auto-initialization is performed before the M&E balances are executed. However, if the source stream is in a process file that doesn’t change any more, you may want to perform the initialization manually once and never again (to save time).

►    Viewing and Editing Auto-Initialization Links

The user may view and/or edit the auto-initialization links of all input streams and equipment contents from a central location in SuperPro. For more information on this feature, see Auto-Initialization Links.


When the source links reside in a different file, the ingredients used in the source streams may not exist in the recipient file. Therefore when the auto-initialization of the stream or contents is carried out, the user is asked if he or she would like to register the missing pure components or stock mixtures in the destination process. The program will only register ingredients that are used in the source streams or equipment contents.