Rename Pure Component Dialog

This dialog appears if you select Tasks } Pure Components } Rename from the main menu of the application.

From this dialog you may rename a pure component. The user is only permitted to change the ‘Local Name’ of the pure component. From the ‘Registered Components (by Local Name)’ drop-down list, you may select the component that you wish to rename. In the ‘Rename to’ edit box on the right side of the dialog, you may enter a new local name for the selected component.


If the proposed new local name is found to match (ignoring upper/lower case differences) with the local name of another component or mixture already registered in the process, then the following warning will appear when clicking on OK.


The following message is produced if the new name already exists:

After renaming and exiting this dialog the application will broadcast the change in the name to all the areas in the process file where this pure component is used.