Power Types Databank Dialog

This dialog appears by selecting Databanks } Power from the main menu of the application.

From this dialog you can:

2.   View the contents of power type databanks (‘Designer’ or ‘User’).

2.   Add, delete or modify the properties of power types in your ‘User’ databank.


Using the ‘Database Filter...’ DbFilterBtn00195.jpg button you may choose to display the Power Types of the ‘Designer’ database, the ‘User’ database or both databases at the same time. By default the table displays power types from both databases.

►    To view/edit the contents of a power type databank…

4.   Choose a power type from the table by selecting a row. Depending on whether you have selected a power type that belongs to the ‘User’ or the ‘Designer’ databases you can either view and edit or only view the properties of that power. The button icon for viewing/editing the properties of the selected agent changes accordingly from the View Properties ( ViewEditProperties200196.jpg) button to the Edit Properties (ViewEditProperties00197.jpg) button and vice-versa.

6.   If you have chosen ‘Designer’ power type, then proceed by clicking on the View Properties (ViewEditProperties200198.jpg) button. The Power Type Properties Dialog will be displayed. This dialog presents in several tabs the property values for the selected power type. Notice that you cannot modify and save any values on this dialog. If you have chosen a power type from the ‘User’ database, then instead of the View Properties (ViewEditProperties200199.jpg) button, the Edit Properties (ViewEditProperties00200.jpg) button will appear. After selecting a power type, and pressing this button, the Power Type Properties Dialog will appear once again, only this time, you can view as well as edit and save new property values for the selected power type.

►    To add a new power type in the ‘User’ databank…

      Click on the Add New Power (AddNewButton00201.jpg) button. After you type in an acceptable name (must be unique amongst all power types in the ‘User’ and the ‘Designer’ databank,) a new line will be added in the table to represent the new power type. Before you save the new power type as part of your ‘User’ databank, you may edit its properties by clicking on the Edit Properties (ViewEditProperties00202.jpg) button.


Make sure you have typed the name of the power type correctly. Once the power type is included in the databank, this field cannot be edited again; the only way to modify it would be to completely remove it from the databank and introduce it again with the new name.

►    To delete a power type from the ‘User’ databank…

Select the power type that you want to delete (click anywhere on that power type’s row). If the power type resides in the ‘User’ database the Delete (Delete00204.jpg) button is enabled.

Click on the Delete (Delete00205.jpg) button.

►    To save the ‘User’ databank…

To save the changes made in the databank back into the ‘User’ database, you may either click on OK (this will exit the dialog) or you can click on the Save Database to Disk (SaveToDB00206.jpg) button (this will save the data but keep the dialog session open).


Once the changes in the databank are saved into the ‘User’ database, they are irreversible. In case you change your mind about changes made, and these are not yet saved, you may cancel changes and revert to the saved databank by clicking Cancel on the dialog.

See Also:


Power Types Databank