Currencies Databank

For all our international users, SuperPro Designer allows you to input cost items, prices and view economic reports in your own local currency. Since all built-in equipment purchase cost estimators produce figures in US$, SuperPro Designer will need to convert the estimated prices to your currency of choice. For this reason, as well as to enable you to change the economic reports on-the-fly from one monetary unit to another, SuperPro Designer offers to the user a databank of currencies where users need to keep the exchange rates between a foreign currency to US$. The exchange rate to US$ of a foreign currency (e.g. a Euro) represents how many monetary units of that foreign currency (Euros) can be fetched for one US$. You can add as many entries as you wish in your currencies databank, but you must specify only one as the ‘default’ currency of the databank. The choice for a default currency is going to be used as the automatic (default) choice for all prices stored in your ‘SuperPro (User)’ database for any other resources (e.g. equipment purchase costs, per-hour labor costs, etc.) The default currency can be changed at any time. When you do change it, the application will offer you the choice to convert all prices currently stored in the ‘SuperPro (User)’ database to the new ‘default’ currency of choice



If you answer ‘Yes’ then all monetary values (prices & cost items) in the ‘User’ database will be converted to the new default currency using the current values of exchange rates of the two currencies involved: the old default choice and the new choice.

Viewing the Contents of the Currencies Databank

To access the currencies databank, select the Databanks } Currencies... menu item from the main menu (or hit Shift+F5 as a shortcut). The Currencies Databank Dialog that comes up, presents a table with all entries currently in the databank. Notice that you do not have to choose a database source (as required in most other databanks) as all records for currency exchange rates are only kept in the ‘User’ database.

Adding and Deleting Currencies

If you wish to add a new currency, simply click on the AddNewButton00061.jpg button and provide the name for the new currency (must be unique). After the new currency name is accepted, a new line will be entered with defaults for the new currency’s symbol (the first five characters of the name) and exchange rate (1.0). You can simply click at the corresponding cells and edit the symbol and exchange rate to their proper values. Every currency you introduce in this databank, will be available as a choice in any process file (see Currency) as part of the Currency Selection Dialog. If you wish to no longer keep a record on a specific currency, then select the line representing the currency you wish to delete and click on the Delete00062.jpg button.

Basic Essential & User-Defined Currencies in the SuperPro (User) DB

The list of currencies present in the ‘SuperPro (User)’ database, are considered as belonging to three categories:

a)  Basic Currencies

b)  Essential Currencies

c)   User-Defined Currencies

All currencies that are present in the ‘SuperPro (User)’ database upon installation of the program are considered as ‘Basic’. You are free to edit and/or even delete them if you think you will never have a need for some of them. If you have modified the properties of a currency, saved it in your ‘SuperPro (User)’ database and later you change your mind and decide to revert to the property values as they came (‘out-of-the-box’) you can accomplish this by clicking on the RestoreBasicPropsBtn00063.jpg button. Also, if you have deleted one or more currencies and later you wish to recover (restore) their definitions in your ‘SuperPro (User)’ database, you can click on the RecoverBasicsBtn00064.jpg button There are just a single currency (“US$”) that is considered “Essential” and cannot be deleted. For the proper (minimal) functioning cost estimation and proper conversion to other currencies, the software require their presence of the definition of “US$” in the ‘SuperPro (User)’ database. Finally, “User-Defined” currencies are all currencies that the user has introduced beyond the set of currencies that came with the software. Of course, user-defined currencies can be edited and deleted at any time but once deleted they cannot later be recovered.