Some types of equipment require the use of a consumable. For example, chromatography columns require the use of some type of resin, some membrane filters require the use of disposable cartridges, etc. The program maintains a list of consumable categories such as filter cartridges, disposable bags, etc. For each category, there’s also a preset list of actual consumable types (such as DF Cartridge, 10L bag, 5L bag, etc.) that can be assigned to equipment that either need to have it (as a required consumable) or that the user decides to associate their use with the operation of the equipment as they may represent a significant cost item (optional consumable), see Consumables. New categories of consumables (and new members of pre-existing or user-defined categories) can be added in the consumables databank and used in association with the operation of any compatible equipment; the specification of consumables utilized by an equipment resource is done through the Equipment Data Dialog: Consumables Tab of that equipment. The description of all consumable categories and actual consumable types that are required by the use of equipment supported by the software are all pre-included in the ‘SuperPro (User)’ database. Users must add extra members of the pre-defined categories, or create new categories and/or actual consumables in the ‘SuperPro (User)’ database before they are engaged in their process models.
You can view the list of all available consumables when you select Databanks } Consumables... (or hit Shift+F5 as a shortcut) from the main menu. Then, you will be presented with the Consumables Databank Dialog that shows the entire set of available consumable categories on the left pane. When a given node (category) in the left pane is selected, then for that consumable category, the interface displays all its known members (consumables or consumable types) on the right pane.
The consumable categories and types present in the ‘SuperPro (User)’ database, are considered as belonging to three categories:
b) Basic Consumable Categories & Types
Essential Consumable Categories & Types
User-Defined Consumable Categories & Types
All consumable types that are present in the ‘SuperPro (User)’ database upon installation of the program are considered as ‘Basic’. You are free to edit and/or even delete them if you think you will never have a need for some of them. If you have modified the properties of a basic consumable category (or type), saved it in your ‘SuperPro (User)’ database and later you change your mind and decide to revert to the property values as they came (‘out-of-the-box’) you can accomplish this by clicking on the button. If you click this button on the right pane, when selecting a type it will revert the type’s properties; if you click the above button on the left side while selecting a consumable category, it will revert the category’s property values). Also, if you have deleted one or more aux consumable types and later you wish to recover (restore) their definitions in your ‘SuperPro (User)’ database, you can click on the
button on the right pane of the interface. If you do the same on the left pane, it will restore all basic categories and their contained member types. There many categories and types that are considered “Essential” and cannot be deleted. The proper functioning of some operations in the software require their presence and they are created as soon as the operation that requires them is created and for that reason, their definition must exist in the ‘SuperPro (User)’ database. Finally, “User-Defined” consumable categories and types are those that the user has introduced beyond the set of basic set of categories and types that came with the software. Of course, user-defined consumable categories (and types) can be edited and deleted at any time but once deleted they cannot later be recovered.
When viewing the icons representing consumable categories that are considered ‘essential’ , they appear in red to indicate that they cannot be deleted. The same color-coding applies to the actual consumables (or consumable types) shown on the right pane: those shown in red cannot be removed; however, you can modify their properties if so desired. The user-defined consumable categories (and types) are shown with blue icons.
You can extend the list of pre-existing consumable categories by adding your own. After you bring up the Consumables Databank Dialog, you can either click on the add new button shown over the left pane, or select Add New Category from the right-click menu of the parent node for all types (labeled ‘All Consumable Categories’). In the Consumable Category Dialog that will appear you must describe the new consumable type and click OK. A new node will be added under the ‘All Consumable Types’ parent node. Notice that the node will be of blue color to indicate that it represents a user-defined consumable type. To delete a user-defined consumable type, select it and click on the delete
button shown over the left pane of the dialog.
You can expand the list of options available under a pre-existing consumable category or under a user-defined category by adding your own members. Bring up the Consumables Databank Dialog and select the category for which you wish to introduce a new consumable. The existing members will be shown at the right pane. Now you can either click on the add new button shown over the right pane, or select Add Consumable from the right-click menu of the parent node for this type (shown as the head node on the right pane). In the Consumable Properties Dialog that will appear you must describe the new consumable and click OK. A new node will be added under the parent node of the selected consumable category. Notice that the node will be of blue color to indicate that it represents a user-defined consumable. Only user-defined and non-essential consumables can be deleted. To delete a user-defined consumable, select it and click on the delete
button shown over the right pane of the dialog.