Using SuperPro Designers OLE Server

Using the Component Object Module (COM) technology, applications running under MS-Windows® can exchange information and services with each other once they register themselves as Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) Automation Servers. SuperPro Designer’ s installation script indeed registers SuperPro Designer as an OLE Automation Server. There are several applications that either themselves are a programming environment that provides COM client services (such as MS-Visual C++, MS-Visual C#, MS-Visual Basic, etc.) or they support a scripting language with utilities that can tap into COM client services (such scripting language in MS-Excel, MS-Word, etc.) The ‘Designer’ Type Library (and all its functions) is registered by SuperPro and EnviroPro Designer. It includes a long list of functions that can be used to accomplish various tasks, including (but not limited to): The Designer COM Server can thus be used by client applications to perform various tasks including:

      Starting or ending SuperPro Designer application; opening and closing process files.

      For an open process file, solve the M&E balances and perform the economic calculations.

a)  Fetch or set values to almost all data contained in a process file: input stream flows, compositions, etc, operating parameters for unit operations and/or unit procedures, sizes in equipment resources, etc.

c)   Generate reports, charts, etc. and export them to the clipboard (for later pasting in another application) or to ‘wmf’ files that can later be imported by another application.

Retrieve error messages.

The extend of services provided by the ‘Designer’ type library is not meant to be a substitute for the entire user-interface of SuperPro Designer. For instance, users of the library cannot create (synthesize) a process using library calls; they can only load a pre-existing process file and parametrically (but not structurally) modify it. Therefore all the services are designed to deal with an existing process, already described and contained in a ‘spf’ file. As such it can be of great use for user who wish to:

Transfer between applications and/or databases.

Perform parametric studies for sensitivity analysis, process optimization, process economic evaluation, etc.

Integrate SuperPro Designer with stochastic risks analysis tools in order to carry out risk assessment studies and stochastic modeling.

Create custom reports for design, economic evaluation, and environmental assessment purposes.

Detailed documentation on how to use the SuperPro Designer’s COM library module can be found in COM Library. The appendix is only part of the PDF version of the manual; it can also be viewed as part of the online help documentation when selecting Help } COM Interface & Library from the main menu of the application.