Input Data Report (IDR)

This report contains all the input information either provided or accepted by the user and therefore used to execute the mass & energy balances and perform the economic evaluation. It can be very useful for documenting a process file, or for attempting to identify sources of error that lead to unexpected simulation results. Since the process file is saved in a proprietary format (not readable by anything else other than the program itself), engineers and scientists could use the IDR report as an alternative way to communicate the exact specifications of a process created by the program. To generate this report, select menu Reports } Input Data (IDR).

The IDR consists of the following sections:

1.   Registered Components & Their Properties

2.   Preferences

3.   Input Stream Data

4.   Procedure and Operation Data

5.   Process Scheduling Data

6.   Equipment & Labor Data

7.   Economic Data

Any one of the above sections may be excluded from the report, if so desired. The options related to the contents of the report are edited from Report Options Dialog: Input Data Tab.

IDR: Registered Components & Their Properties

Contains all the components and their property values as set in the current process file; it also contains the components designated as biomass, water and activity assessment. It also reports which component properties have been used during the last run of the simulation.


Contains information on the stream report format.

Input Stream Data

Contains the description of each process input stream (name, temperature, pressure and component composition).

IDR: Procedure & Operation Data

Lists all procedures and related data. For each procedure a detailed listing of the operations included is also mentioned along with all the operation-specific information (other than scheduling-related data that is mentioned later in this report) that were either typed in by the user or were assigned defaults by the program and accepted by the user.

IDR: Process Scheduling Data

Includes the scheduling data set for the whole process (annual operating time, either number of batches or batch efficiency) and the scheduling data for each operation (setup time, process time, turnaround time, start time shift).

IDR: Equipment and Labor Parameters

Contains an equipment related table with several equipment related parameters such as the number of standby units, the material of construction, the material factor, the installation factor, the maintenance factor for labor and the maintenance factor for materials. Also contains a labor related table with one entry for each operation for each operation (with the batch labor factor, the continuous labor factor, the maintenance factor for labor and the maintenance factor for materials.

IDR: Economic Data

Contains tables with:

a)  Cost Multipliers
All cost multipliers used to estimate the total investment (piping, instrumentation, insulation, electrical work, etc.), the total operating cost (fringe benefits, supervision, laboratory etc.) and the labor requirements (warehouse, packaging, etc.) Also contains multipliers for Fixed Capital Cost Estimation.

b)  Main Product Rate Stream and By-products
Contains the stream designated as the main product rate stream (if any) and the any other streams designated as secondary sources of revenue (by-products). For each such stream, its rate and the revenue per unit produced (or processed) is also reported.

c)   Raw Materials 
Contains a listing of all streams designated as raw materials along with their purchase prices.

d)  Waste Treatment and Disposal Cost
Contains a listing of all streams designated as waste (solid, liquid or emissions), along with their required waste treatment costs per unit of waste.