VBA Sample Scripts

Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) is an application scripting language defined by Microsoft, that allows automation of processes by VBA-enabled applications. It supports Visual Basic syntax, OLE automation, and function calls for external DLLs. It is Microsoft's common application (macro) language for Access, Excel, Word, Project, and the Visual Basic programming environment. VBA is an important tool for the interaction of Pro-Designer with other Windows applications such as Excel.

Examples are given for VBA functions/subroutines that can either be called directly from an Excel cell (or another Windows application) or they can be used in another VBA function / subroutine. These scripts make use of the Pro-Designer COM functions/subroutines that are members of the Designer Type Library. These VBA script examples include:

      Application Related Scripts

      Simulation Related Scripts

      Data Exchange Scripts

      Error Handling Scripts


How to Use Variant Data Types in VBA Scripts

A Variant data type variable is the data type for all variables that are not explicitly declared. You can use the Variant data type in place of any data type to work with data in a more flexible way. More information can be found in the VBA Documentation of Excel.

In VBA the Variant data type is automatically specified if you don't specify a data type for a variable. However it is advised to declare it as such for more efficient memory use. You can use the Dim, Public, or Private statement for this as shown:

Dim var1 As Variant

When variable var1 is set to a value VBA automatically converts the data type to the proper type, i.e. String, Double, Long, Boolean, etc. However in many cases errors in the way the data was entered leads to misinterpretation of the data-type, which may result in delirious results. Therefore it is highly recommended that when you assign values to Pro-Designer variables you use the correct type.

If you are assigning a value of a variant variable from a VBA script the make sure you get it from a type variable or you cast it to the right type. This is demonstrated in the following script, which is a subroutine that can be used for demonstration purposes.


Sub Demonstrate()

Set SuperProDoc = DocumentObject()

Dim var1 As Variant

Dim var2 As Variant


Dim str As String 'declare a string datatype

Dim nVal As Integer 'declare an integer datatype

Dim bVal As Boolean 'declare a Boolean datatype

Dim dblVal As Double 'declare a double datatype

Dim dateVal As Date  'declare a date datatype


nVal = CLng(74)

bVal = True

dblVal = CDbl(5467.77)

dateVal = CDate(#12/31/2007#)  ‘(December 31st, 2007)


'Set value of some variables


var1 = dblVal

SuperProDoc.SetFlowsheetVarVal VarID.AOTAvailable_VID, var1

dblVal = CDbl(var1) 'double or float


var1 = nVal

SuperProDoc.SetFlowsheetVarVal VarID.numberOfCampaigns_VID, var1

nVal = CLng(var1) 'integer or long


var1 = bVal

SuperProDoc.SetFlowsheetVarVal VarID.isNumberOfBatchesSBU_VID, var1

bVal = CBool(var1) 'boolean


var1 = dateVal

SuperProDoc.SetFlowsheetVarVal VarID.lastSavedDate_VID, var1

dateVal = Cdate(var1)  'date


'Retrieve value of variables and display in a message box


SuperProDoc.GetFlowsheetVarVal VarID.AOTAvailable_VID, var1

dblVal = CDbl(var1) 'double or float

MsgBox (dblVal)


SuperProDoc.GetFlowsheetVarVal VarID.numberOfCampaigns_VID, var1

nVal = CLng(var1) 'integer or long

MsgBox (nVal)


SuperProDoc.GetFlowsheetVarVal VarID.isNumberOfBatchesSBU_VID, var1

bVal = CBool(var1) 'boolean

MsgBox (bVal)


SuperProDoc.GetFlowsheetVarVal VarID.longestUPName_VID, var1

str = CStr(var1) 'string

MsgBox (str)


SuperProDoc.GetFlowsheetVarVal VarID.lastSavedDate_VID, var1


dateVal = CDate(var1) 'date

MsgBox (dateVal)


End Sub


In the script above the following VBA functions were used for casting an expression to a specific data type and returning a value of that data type:

VBA function

Returns a value of type

CDbl (expression)


CLng (expression)


CBool (expression)


CStr (expression)


CDate (expression)


If you are setting the value of a variable through an Excel cell you can generally expect that any string you enter will be taken as a String, any False/True as a Boolean, and any number as a Double unless otherwise specified. But you can still cast the variant types variables as shown in the above script . When you pass arguments using VBA functions you can specify the type of the argument in the function statement. If you don’t specify the type of the argument in the function statement then its type is a Variant. (Look at the second example of Scripts For Procedure Variables)


Application Related Scripts

Examples of general-purpose application related scripts that use the Pro-Designer application related COM methods. In order to use the Pro-Designer OLE Automation Server it is essential to create the server object and open an existing processs file file (example 1).


Example 1: Creating the Server Object and Opening a Document

Sub OpenSPDFile(spfFile As String)

   Dim superProApp As Designer.Application

   Set superProApp = CreateObject("SPDFlowsheet")


   superProApp.OpenDoc (spfFile)

End Sub




Sub OpenSPDFile(spfFile As String)

   Dim superProApp As Designer.Application

   Set superProApp = New Designer.Application


   superProApp.OpenDoc (spfFile)

End Sub




Sub OpenSPDFile(spfFile As String)

   Dim superProApp As New Designer.Application



   superProApp.OpenDoc (spfFile)

End Sub


In this VBA example the VBA subroutine OpenSPDFile() is used for opening an existing Pro-Designer processs file file. The VBA function CreateObject("SPDFlowsheet") is used for creating and returning a reference to the Application server object. In this case SPDFlowsheet is the application type class string of the SuperPro Designer Server (use EPDFlowsheet for the EnviroPro Designer Server), and superProApp is the server object that represents an instance of the Pro-Designer application. The ShowApp() Pro-Designer COM subroutine is used to activate the Pro-Designer application and display it in its current size and position. The OpenDoc (spfFile) COM function is used for opening the Pro-Designer file and making it the active object. This function will also return a reference to a Document server object. The file name spfFile is a string and specifies the full path and name of the object to be retrieved. Alternatively one could create a new instance of Pro-Designer application and assign it to the superProApp server object (Set superProApp = New Designer.Application) or you may use the New keyword to declare and create an instance of the object (Dim superProApp As New Designer.Document) at the same time.


Example 2: Get a reference to an object provided by the Pro-Designer server.


Public superProApp As Designer.Application

Public superProDoc As Designer.Document

Sub OpenSPDFile(spfFile As String)

   Set superProApp = New Designer.Application



   Set superProDoc = superProApp.OpenDoc (spfFile)

End Sub




Public superProDoc As Designer.Document

Sub OpenSPDFile(spfFile As String)

   Dim superProApp As New Designer.Application


   Set superProDoc = superProApp.OpenDoc (spfFile)

End Sub


Similar to Example1 you could create a new instance of Pro-Designer and assign it to the superProApp server object  (Set superProApp = New Designer.Document) or you may use the New keyword to declare and create an instance of the object (Dim superProApp As New Designer.Application), and also initialize the document object superProDoc by assigning it the reference of the document object from the OpenDoc COM function (Set superProDoc = superProApp.OpenDoc (spfFile). Note that the superProDoc and superProApp have been declared as global variables in all the above scripts except the last one where the application object variable superProApp is local. By using the keyword Public the objects can be used in all the procedures and modules of the VBA project.

The file name spfFile specifies the full path and name of the object to be retrieved.

In the following VBA example the VBA function GetObject() is used to return a reference to an object provided by an ActiveX component in this case the Pro-Designer case files.  


Function DocumentObject(spfFile As String) As Object

   Set DocumentObject = GetObject(spfFile)

End Function


Example 3: Closing the Pro-Designer file


Sub CloseSPDFile(spfFileOne As String)

   Dim superProDoc As Designer.Document

   Set superProDoc = GetObject(spfFileOne)

   superProDoc.CloseDoc false

End Sub


In this VBA example the GetObject function is used to get a reference to the desired Pro-Designer case file, and the CloseDoc function to close this file without saving it. The file name spfFileOne specifies the full path and name of the object to be retrieved.


Sub CloseSPDFile(spfFileOne As String)

   superProDoc.CloseDoc true


End Sub


Here the Pro-Designer file is saved first and then closed by using the COM document subroutine CloseDoc and passing true as an argument. To close the Pro-Designer app, the application subroutine CloseApp is called with the application object superProApp. Both superProApp and superProDoc have been previously declared and defined as global variables and initialized elsewhere. See Examples 1 & 2.

Sub CloseSPDFile(spfFileOne As String)

   superProApp.CloseAllDocs false


End Sub


This script demonstrates how you may close all the open Pro-Designer files without saving them with the use of the application function CloseAllDocs. It also calls CloseApp to close the application. Note that both CloseAllDocs and CloseApp functions are called with the application object superProApp.


Simulation Related Scripts

Example 1: Performing material balances and economic calculations after setting a flowsheet variable


Function SetAndGetThroughput(throughput As Double) As Double

Dim var1 As Variant


Set superProDoc = DocumentObject()


var1 = throughput

superProDoc.SetFlowsheetVarVal VarID.annualThroughput_VID, var1


superProDoc.DoMEBalances var1


superProDoc.GetFlowsheetVarVal VarID.annualThroughput_VID, var1

SetAndGetThroughput = CDbl(var1)


End Function


The above script is an example of a function that performs several tasks. The SetAndGetThroughput function takes as an argument the desired value of the throughput. It can be called from an Excel cell or another VBA function. First the SetFlowsheetVarVal COM function is used to set the value of the throughput. Then the DoMEBalances and DoEconomicCalculations COM subroutines are called to solve the simulation case and perform economic calculations. Finally in order to check that the throughput was correctly set GetFlowsheetVarVal COM function is used to retrieve the value of the throughput from the Designer file and its value is returned with the SetAndGetThroughput function. Note that in the function statement of SetAndGetThroughput it is specified that the throughput is a Double data type and therefore you do not need to cast var1 to a Double.


Data Exchange Scripts

Data exchange VBA script examples include the following:

      Scripts for Flowsheet variables

      Scripts For Section Variables

      Scripts For Equipment Variables

      Scripts For Equipment Contents Variables

      Scripts For Ingredient Variables

      Scripts For Operation Variables

      Scripts For Procedure Variables

      Scripts For Stream Variables

For information on how to properly use the variant data type to access the Pro-Designer COM variables look at How to Use Variant Data Types in VBA Scripts.