Object Export Related Methods

These methods are used for exporting various objects (pictures, charts), that can be generated with the Pro-Designer application, to a file or to the clipboard. The functions return a Boolean which is True if they were successful in exporting the object and False if they were not.

Designer Functions:

         ExportObject    (eotType    As ExportObjectType,             edDestination    As ExportDestination, bstrFileName    As String,    nNumberOfBatches As Long)
This function is used to export a Pro-Designer object. The first argument eotType is used to specify the ExportObjectType as described in Specifying Export Object Type. The second argument edDestination is used to specify the ExportDestination as described in Specifying Export Destination. The third argument bstrFileName is a String with the full filename that the object is to be exported (can be an empty string if edDestination = Clipboard_ED) and the forth argument nNumberOfBatches specifies the number of batches that are to be used for the charts (where applicable). Using 0/1 corresponds to single batch.

         ExportHXAgentConsObject(agentName      As String,       edDestination      As ExportDestination,      bstrFileName    As String,       nNumberOfBatches    As Long)
This function is used to export the resource consumption tracking chart for heat exchange agents. The first argument agentName is a String that specifies the agent. The rest of the arguments are used in the same way as in the ExportObject function.

      ExportHXAgentInvObject    (agentName      As String,       edDestination      As ExportDestination, bstrFileName    As String,       nNumberOfBatches    As Long)
This function is used to export the resource inventory chart for heat exchange agents. The first argument agentName is a String that specifies the agent. The rest of the arguments are used in the same way as in the ExportObject function.

         ExportIngredientConsObject(ingredientName   As String,       edDestination      As ExportDestination, bstrFileName    As String,       nNumberOfBatches    As Long,         consumptionType    As Long,         vbIncludeEntities    As Boolean,          vbIncludeMixtures    As Boolean)
This function is used to export the consumption tracking chart for ingredients. The first argument ingredientName is a String corresponding to the ingredient local name. Arguments 2-4 are used in the same way as in the ExportObject function. For the fifth argument consumptionType (type Long) you can use the ingredient type as described in Specifying Ingredient Type. The sixth argument vbIncludeEntities is a Boolean which is set to True if we want to account for consumption of the ingredient present in entities and vbIncludeMixtures is a Boolean which is set to True if we want to account for consumption of the ingredient present in mixtures. This last argument is significant only if the ingredient is a pure component.

      ExportIngredientInvObject(ingredientName   As String,       edDestination      As ExportDestination, bstrFileName    As String,       nNumberOfBatches    As Long,         consumptionType    As Long,         vbIncludeEntities    As Boolean,          vbIncludeMixtures    As Boolean)
This function is used to export the resource inventory chart for ingredients. See ExportIngredientConsObject for details on each argument if this function.

      ExportLaborConsObject(laborName      As String,       edDestination      As ExportDestination,      bstrFileName    As String,       nNumberOfBatches    As Long)
This function is used to export the resource consumption tracking chart for labor. The first argument laborName is a String that specifies the labor resource. The rest of the arguments are used in the same way as in the ExportObject function.

      ExportPowerObject(bForDemand As Boolean, powerName      As String,       edDestination      As ExportDestination,      bstrFileName    As String,       nNumberOfBatches    As Long)
This function is used to export the resource consumption or generation tracking chart for power. The first argument specifies whether power is consumed or generated, second argument powerName is a String that specifies the power type resource. The rest of the arguments are used in the same way as in the ExportObject function.

      ExportPowerConsObject(powerName      As String,       edDestination      As ExportDestination,      bstrFileName    As String,       nNumberOfBatches    As Long)
This function is used to export the resource consumption tracking chart for power. The first argument powerName is a String that specifies the power type resource. The rest of the arguments are used in the same way as in the ExportObject function.

      ExportPowerGenObject(powerName      As String,       edDestination      As ExportDestination,      bstrFileName    As String,       nNumberOfBatches    As Long)
This function is used to export the resource generation tracking chart for power. The first argument powerName is a String that specifies the power type resource. The rest of the arguments are used in the same way as in the ExportObject function.

      ExportIngredientOutObject(ingredientName   As String,       edDestination      As ExportDestination, bstrFileName    As String,       nNumberOfBatches    As Long,         outputType    As Long,         vbIncludeEntities    As Boolean)
This function is used to export the output tracking chart for materials. The first argument ingredientName is a String corresponding to the material local name. Arguments 2-4 are used in the same way as in the ExportObject function. For the fifth argument outputType (type Long) you can use the material output type as described in Specifying Material Output Type. The sixth argument vbIncludeEntities is a Boolean which is set to True if we want to account for consumption of the ingredient present in entities.

      ExportIngredientOutInvObject(ingredientName   As String,       edDestination      As ExportDestination, bstrFileName    As String,       nNumberOfBatches    As Long,         consumptionType    As Long,         vbIncludeEntities    As Boolean)
This function is used to export the resource inventory chart for outputted materials. See ExportIngredientOutObject for details on each argument of this function.

      ExportStorageUnitObject(suName   As String, bIsSupplyUnit As Boolean,       edDestination      As ExportDestination, bstrFileName    As String,       nNumberOfBatches    As Long)
This function is used to export the tracking chart for storage units. The first argument suName is a String corresponding to the storage unit name. The second argument specifies whether the storage unit is a Supply Unit (True) or Receiving Unit (False). Arguments 2-4 are used in the same way as in the ExportObject function.

      ExportStorageUnitInvObject(suName   As String, bIsSupplyUnit As Boolean,      edDestination      As ExportDestination, bstrFileName    As String,       nNumberOfBatches    As Long)
This function is used to export the resource inventory chart for storage units. See ExportStorageUnitObject for details on each argument of this function.

For VBA examples that implement these methods see the ComEx7.xls example file in the COM folder of the EXAMPLES loaded under your application’s installation directory.