Functions for Stream Auto Initialization Variables

These methods are used for setting and getting the options for auto initializing of input streams in the flowsheet. They are all functions that return a Boolean value, which is True if the task was successful and False if the task failed. They include:

         GetStreamAutoInitOptions(streamName As String, varID As VarID, val) With this function you may retrieve all relevant setting that appear in the Input Stream Initialization Options Dialog.. The streamName is the name of the stream you wish to auto initialize. For a list of the Variable ID’s that can be used with this function , see Auto Initialization Variables.

         SetStreamAutoInitOptions(streamName As String, varID As VarID, val) With this function you may set all relevant setting that appear in the Input Stream Initialization Options Dialog. The streamName is the name of the stream <stream1> you wish to auto initialize by another stream <stream2> which you may also set in this function through the VARIANT val argument. For a list of the Variable ID’s that can be used with this function, see Auto Initialization Variables.

         AutoInitStream(streamName As String) This function is used to Automatically initialize the contents of the stream when the Auto-Initialize from Other Stream option has been checked, in the Input Stream Initialization Options Dialog.

         AutoInitAllStreamsAndEquipContents This function can also be used to auto initialize all the streams and equipment contents that have been set to be initialized by other sources.