Incineration Procedure


An Incineration Procedure can be created by selecting the following menu option:
Unit Procedures } Continuous Reaction } Environmental Reaction } Stoichiometric } Incineration



Operating Mode

Continuous or Semi-Continuous

Host Equipment


Emissions Port (Vent)


Special Input/Output Ports




This procedure is used to represent incineration of wastewater sludges, hazardous wastes (liquid or solid), and municipal solid wastes. The primary objective of the model is to calculate the composition of the flue gas stream and estimate the flowrate of auxiliary fuel if needed.

Special Inputs / Outputs

      Waste: the designated input port for the waste stream.

      Fuel: the designated input port for the fuel stream.

      Air: the designated input port for the air stream.

      Flue Gas: the designated output port for the flue gas stream.

Ash: the designated output port for the ash stream.


The following operation is the essential operation for this unit procedure:

Incinerate, see Incineration

Hold, see Holding

Note that operation Hold is only available in semi-continuous operating mode.

SEe Also

The following procedures offer a similar functionality:

Wet Air Oxidation Procedure

Neutralization Procedure