Electrostatic Precipitation Procedure


An Electrostatic Precipitation Procedure can be created by selecting the following menu option:
Unit Procedures } Filtration } Electrostatic Precipitation



Operating Mode

Continuous or Semi-Continuous

Host Equipment

Electrostatic Precipitator

Emissions Port (Vent)


Special Input/Output Ports




This unit procedure simulates the performance of an electrostatic precipitator. Electrostatic precipitators are typically used to remove dry dust or liquid droplet particles from gaseous streams (primarily air) in high volumes.

Special Inputs / Outputs

      Exhaust Gas: the designated output port for gas.

      Particles: the designated output port for particles.


The following operation types are currently supported in the context of this unit procedure:

Precipitate, see Electrostatic Precipitation

Hold, see Holding

Note that operation Hold is only available in semi-continuous operating mode.

SEe Also

The following procedure offers a similar functionality:

Baghouse Filtration Procedure