The following table shows the meaning of the variables appearing in this tab, as well as their default values and their generally acceptable range. Note that due to the manner by which the variables are used by the sizing and costing equations, the range of acceptable values may be further reduced.
Variable |
Default Value |
Range |
◙ Holding Capacity (per Unit) |
100.0 L |
Positive |
○ Mixing Feature Option |
○ Temp. Control Feature Option |
○ Weighing Feature Option |
● Name (of Large Bag) |
Dft Large Bag |
● Volume (of Large Bag) |
100.0 L |
Positive |
● Maximum Allowable Working/Container Volume (of Large Bag) |
100.00 % |
Positive |
○ Equipment Heat Capacity |
0 kcal/°C |
Positive. |
Symbol Key: ○ User-specified value (always input); ● Calculated value (always output); ◙ Sometimes input, sometimes output
This equipment requires use of a ‘Large Bag’ consumable. The default consumable used is a ‘Dft Large Bag’. For information on how to select a required consumable and additional consumables, see Disposable Generic Container Skid: Consumables Tab.
Sizing will determine the number of equipment units (or skids or containers) required to retain the liquid volume dictated by the simulation. In both Design and Rating mode, the user must select the consumable (a member of the ‘Large Bag’ type) to be used by this equipment. Furthermore:
● In Design Mode, the program, based on the fill percent allowed (per container) and the total liquid volume required to be stored, will compute the total number of units (skids or containers) required.
In Rating Mode, the user sets the holding capacity, container type and number of units. The holding capacity will be used to check if the selected container is valid. You cannot select a container whose volume is bigger than the equipment’s holding capacity. From the number of units and the maximum fill percent allowed per container, the program will determine if there’s enough storage capacity to hold the required volume. If not, an error will be generated mentioning that the maximum fill percent has been exceeded.
The equipment purchase cost is based on holding capacity. It is supplied by a built-in model for different holding capacities and equipment features and for CS as material of construction.
Equipment Heat Capacity; the product of equipment mass times its specific heat capacity. It is used by operations that are executed in the vessel and involve heating and/or cooling. If part of the heat exchange is directed to the vessel, then this variable is used to estimate heating/cooling losses.
For more information on this equipment, see Skid for Disposable Large Bag.
For information on the left-hand and top right-hand side variables and options, see Equipment Data Dialog: Equipment tab.