INX Column: Equipment Tab

Variable Definitions, Ranges and Default Values

The following table shows the meaning of the variables appearing in this tab, as well as their default values and their generally acceptable range. Note that due to the manner by which the variables are used by the sizing and costing equations, the range of acceptable values may be further reduced.


Default Value



Bed Height (m)
The bed height may be used as a sizing variable for this equipment resource.



Bed Height to Diameter Ratio
The bed height to diameter ratio may be used as a sizing variable for this equipment resource.



Max Bed Diameter (m)
The desired upper limit of the bed diameter. Used only in design mode to determine if multiple units are required.



Overdesign Factor
Use a factor greater than 1.0 to design a larger column than that required by the corresponding operation. Used only in design mode.



Bed to Column Height
The ratio of bed height to column height.



Bed Diameter
The bed diameter.



Bed Volume
The bed volume.



Column Height
The column height.



Column Volume
The column volume.



Symbol Key: User-specified value (always input); Calculated value (always output); Sometimes input, sometimes output


The INX Column requires the use of a consumable. By default the selected consumable is a ‘Dft INX Resin for Water Treatment’. The user may select the desired consumable for the column from the INX Column: Consumables tab.

Sizing: Design Mode

In design mode, the column volume demand is specified by the ion exchange loading operations carried out as part of the (one or more) ion exchange unit procedures hosted by the equipment resource. The software will size the column based on the largest demand on column volume amongst all ion exchange loading operations executed in the column. Once the largest column volume demand is determined, it is multiplied by the overdesign factor to determine the total column volume requirement. This is used to calculate the corresponding bed diameter and column height based on the specifications for the bed height (or bed height to diameter) and the bed-to-column height. If the calculated bed diameter exceeds the maximum bed diameter specification then the software will assume multiple number of identical units (each with column volume equally distributed) that are operated in parallel. From the column volume per unit, the actual bed diameter and bed volume of each column are calculated. In addition, if the bed height is specified, the bed height to diameter ratio is also calculated.

Sizing: Rating Mode

In rating mode, the bed height, bed diameter, column height and number of units are provided by the user.

For more information on this equipment, see Ion Exchange (INX) Chromatography Column.

For information on the left-hand side variables and options, see Equipment Data Dialog: Equipment tab.