Differential Extractor: Equipment Tab

Variable Definitions, Ranges and Default Values

The following table shows the meaning of the variables appearing in this tab, as well as their default values and their generally acceptable range. Note that due to the manner by which the variables are used by the sizing and costing equations, the range of acceptable values may be further reduced.


Default Value



Column Diameter
The diameter of the column extractor.

0.0 m


Max Column Diameter
The maximum diameter that a unit of this type is available for purchase in the market.

2.0 m


Column Height
The height of the column extractor.

0.0 m


Rated Flux
The combined flux of the feed streams.

0.0 L/m2-h


The total volume of the column extractor.

0.0 L


The total area of the column extractor.

0.0 m2 


Symbol Key: User-specified value (always input); Calculated value (always output); Sometimes input, sometimes output

Sizing: Design Mode

In Calculate (Design Mode), the user specifies the Maximum Column Diameter and the system computes the Number of Units, Column Diameter and Column Height. For more information on the sizing of this unit, see Differential Extraction: Modeling Calculations.

Sizing: Rating Mode

In User-Defined (Rating Mode), the user specifies the Number of Units, Column Diameter and Column Height.


The equipment purchase cost is based on the diameter and the height of the column. It is supplied by the built-in model assuming as material of construction SS316.

For more information on this equipment, see Differential Extractor.

For information on the left-hand side variables and options, see Equipment Data Dialog: Equipment tab.