Centritech Centrifuge: Consumables tab


This property page is part of the Centritech Centrifuge equipment data dialog.

Specification Choices / Comments

The top part of the interface refers to the required consumable usage of the Centritech Centrifuge. The required consumable type is the ‘Centritech’. The user can choose among the consumables of this type registered in the user databank. For resins that last several years, the user may decide to depreciate the first resin fill-in by checking the ‘Is First Resin capitalized’ check box. Cost/usage related properties are displayed on the right side. The user can only change the usage properties from this dialog, specifically the replacement frequency of the consumable. All other properties should be changed from the Consumables Databank Dialog by selecting Databanks / Consumables from the main menu.

The bottom part of the dialog ‘Other Consumables’ table, refers to additional consumables and it is the same as for any other equipment (see Equipment Data Dialog: Consumables Tab).