MA Loading: Oper. Conds Tab


This tab appears on the interface dialog of the the following operation:

      Membrane Adsorber (MA) Loading

Variable Definitions, Ranges and Default Values

The following table shows a brief description of the variables appearing in this tab. The table also displays their default values and their generally acceptable range:


Default Value



Membrane Capacity Per Area (kg/m2)
The membrane’s binding capacity per membrane area.



Membrane Capacity Per Volume (g/L)
The membrane’s binding capacity per membrane volume.



 Capacity Utilization (%)
The percentage of the membrane’s binding capacity that is utilized by this operation.


0 - 100

Linear Velocity (cm/h)
The linear velocity of the feed in the membrane.



Absolute Flowrate (L/h)
The volumetric flowrate of the feed in the membrane.



Relative Flowrate (MV/min)
The volumetric flowrate of the feed in the membrane expressed as number of membrane volumes per time unit.



Empty Bed Contact Time (h)
The amount of time it takes for a feed volume of material to flow through an empty bed.



 Absolute Loading Volume (per Cycle, per Unit) (L)
The loading volume per cycle and per equipment unit.



 Relative Loading Volume (per Cycle, per Unit) (MV)
The loading volume per cycle and per equipment unit, expressed as number of membrane volumes.



Retained %
The percentage of inlet mass that is retained in the membrane for each component.


0 – 100

 Retained Amt (kg)
The retained mass in the membrane for each component.



Ignore in Sizing?
Check the box next to a component to ignore the corresponding retained % in equipment sizing calculations.



Outlet Stream Name
Indicates the output port that is connected to the waste outlet stream. Click on the list box to bring up a list of available output ports in order to select one.


Any Output Port

Symbol Key: User-specified value (always input); Calculated value (always output); Sometimes input, sometimes output

Specification Choices / Comments

The following list describes the available specification choices in this tab; for more details on how these are implemented, see MA Loading: Modeling Calculations.

Membrane Binding Capacity Options...

If the ‘Set Capacity Per Area’ option is set, ou must specify the membrane capacity per membrane area and the program will calculate the membrane capacity per membrane volume.

If the ‘Set Capacity Per Volume’ option is set, you must specify the membrane capacity per membrane volume and the program will calculate the membrane capacity per membrane area.

Loading Time Options...

The loading time can be either set by the user or calculated by the program based on the loading flowrate.

Loading Flowrate Options...

If the loading time is calculated based on loading flowrate, then you can choose among four different options for specifying the loading flowrate: you can specify the feed’s linear velocity, or its volumetric flowrate, or its relative flowrate (in membrane volumes) in the bed, or the empty bed contact time (the amount of time it takes for a feed volume of material to flow through an empty membrane). Any variable that is not specified will be calculated by the program.